Saturday, 13 October 2012

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

 I know that you are going to think that I am teasing you with this letter but I kid you not when I tell you that my teenager went to a sweet sixteen and colored condoms were in all of the kids' goody bags. Now, the parents had to know and approve of this I would assume. I have heard of sweatshirts, balloons, candy, and maybe even other sorts of fun items but condoms? Am I losing my mind? Is this acceptable in today's world?My friends and I have discussed this and we all think that this was not okay. If these parents want to serve their kids condoms, then that is their business but if they want to give other kids' condoms it is a different story,right

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

Goody Bags

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