Monday, 29 October 2012

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Respiratory disease at any level of damage can be effectively treated by inhalation therapy, as when using a nebulizer, we can control the delivery of the drug in any airway area. The word "nebulizer" (from Lat. If you would like to know more about Herbalife, then click here. Nebula – fog, cloud) was first used in 1872 to mean "a tool that converts liquid substance into an aerosol for medical use." Today nebuliser can be give the following definition – a device for converting liquid into an aerosol with particles of highly dispersed, able to penetrate into all parts of the respiratory tract. By way of turning the liquid into an aerosol nebulizer divided into ultrasonic and compressor. Recently cerebral palsy types sought to clarify these questions. In the first case, the aerosol is formed by the vibration of the piezoelectric crystal. In the compressor nebulizer aerosol is formed by feeding compressed air into the chamber nebulizer. The task of inhalation terepii – to create the most high therapeutic concentration of the drug in the respiratory tract with minimal concentration in the systemic circulation. Compressor nebulizer produce medicinal aerosol from a compressed air that is fed into the chamber nebulizer under a certain pressure.Aerosol formation is based on the Bernoulli effect, known to 1732g. That compressor nebulizer became the "gold" standard for inhalation therapy. This was possible due to the fact that it is possible to use any drug solutions without fear of destroying them in the chamber nebulizer. Thus, by compressor nebulizer can be used to treat respiratory antibiotics and antiseptics, hormones, bronchodilators, expectorants, antitussives, immunomodulators, and oil suspension, a surfactant, proteolytic enzymes, anti-fungal, herbal, min. water, hypertonic solution, etc. Ease of use makes it possible to apply it to the clinic and at home, and children and the elderly. For more information on compressor nebulizer described on the official website of the inhaler and nebulizer

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor

Nebulizer Compressor


1 comment:

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