Wednesday 24 October 2012

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

 My earlier blog, “Why Use Meridian Tapping Techniques?”, gives a brief background of the evolution of acupuncture meridian point tapping, and my book, Your Inner Pharmacy, can get you started if you are unfamiliar with tapping.  My book also explains the “psychological reversal,” which is so helpful in understanding the essence of tapping. Almost everyone has psychological reversals in some areas of their life, meaning there is a “disconnect” between your body and your belief system. For example, you may think you want to be healthy or to lose weight, yet your behavior and actions could continue to sabotage your health and your weight loss. The same principle can apply to your belief that you want to be successful in a particular area of your life, yet you don’t take the necessary actions to ensure your success. In these common examples of psychological reversals, your attempts to move ahead in positive ways can be stifled and sabotaged by your own biochemistry.

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Anti Inflammatory Foods

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