Saturday 13 October 2012



Marla has a mental disorder with symptoms of trouble sleeping, an inability to concentrate, and feeling “jumpy” all of the time. Marla’s inability to sleep and her problems with concentration, as well as her agitation, are causing poor performance at work, where she is an accountant. Her life history is quite interesting, and as you will see, quite disturbing. The further we get into the session, Marla reveals information that she has never told before. We will begin with a simple history and a few questions and continue with an in depth look at her life. After delving into the possible causes of Marla’s problems, we will move on to possible treatments. Let’s begin!It is a cold morning in November when Marla comes into my office. We greet each other and take a seat on the couch. I am not fond of sitting in a chair, so far away from my patients. Marla is an attractive woman who is married, has two children, and is an aspiring accountant in a large firm downtown. She is extremely friendly and appears to be exhausted though she is constantly fidgeting. I begin by asking her some questions, so that I may gain more insight as to what is causing her so much anxiety. The questions I have decided to ask Marla are as follows:










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