Saturday 13 October 2012

Party Favor

Party Favor

Fear-based purism? Tea Party extremists? It's not exactly the kind of detached, sober clincial analysis that one would expect of a psychiatrist. If Dr. Frank likens Indiana Republicans who voted for Dick Mourdock over Dick Lugar to children who refuse to eat spaghetti because of a speck of parsley then what of Democrats in Connecticut who jettisoned Joe Lieberman in favor of Ned Lamont a few years back? Or for that matter Texas Democrats who yesterday dumped longtime Congressman Silvestre Reyes? Indeed, it would seem that Dr. Frank is projecting his own biases and prejudices towards a group of people with whom he disagrees.

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

Party Favor

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