Thursday 18 October 2012

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Although our physical body seems to be composed of solid matter that can be broken down into molecules and atoms, quantum physics reminds us that every atom is more than 99 percent empty space. Moreover the subatomic particles moving at lightning speed through this "empty" space are really bundles of vibrating energy. They carry coded information for creation and destruction, temporally serving transformative purposes, the perpetuation of the planet as an organism. When we look at the smaller picture within the larger one, we observe that in every cell some chemical reactions are anabolic; that is, they produce new proteins from amino acids; others are destructive, such as the process of digestion, which breaks down complex ingested foods into simpler compounds. Creation/life and destruction/death are in continuous cycle with each other. A living organism is being taken in by another, wherein new living particles are created or simply converted to energy for them.

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics

Recycling Electronics


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